The article
Culinary art of Korea

On the afternoon of March 20th 2019, chefs from the Académie culinaire de France the as well as several French and Korean press gathered at the Panoramic Club Restaurant on the Seine to meet the two great artisans of Korean traditional fermented products.

Ms. KI Soondo, the 35th national grand master of Jang, fermented soy-based Korean condiments, shared her four-hundred-year-old know-how while Ms. PARK Kwanghee, specialist in Kimchi, lacto-fermented vegetables, and Jangajji , vegetables and fruits pickled in Jang, presented her various products to the guests. After a conference on the culinary art of fermentation in Korea, a buffet and cocktails prepared with products of Ms. KI and Ms. PARK by the two chefs of the Académie culinaire de France, Mr. Damien DUQUESNE and Mr. David RODRIGUEZ, demonstrated a surprising marriage between French cuisine and Korean ingredients.


This event was followed by the France 2 program Complément d’enquête and you can still watch this episode here :