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Art of fermentation in Korea

In the restaurant at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, aT Paris organized, on December 6, 2021, a conference on culinary know-how around Korean fermented foods. In collaboration with the association of Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, this conference was aimed at high-level professionals such as renowned chefs as well as fine food product buyers and merchants, and the press.

Ganjang (Korean soy sauce) treasured by Ms. KI Soondo’s family for nearly 400 years as well as a brief demonstration of Gimjang (Kimchi preparation process) of Ms. PARK Kwanghee delighted the guests’ eyes and mouths. Then, the two Michelin star chefs, Mr. Christian TÊTEDOIE, president of the association of Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, and Mr. Arnaud VIEL, presented more than fifteen petit fours made with the products of Ms. KI and Ms. PARK as well as other Korean fine food products.