Moelleux with white chocolate and dried kakis, omija custard

Here is the dessert made by Laeticia CHUDA, finalist of our K-Food Challenge 2020 in Paris.

A delicious recipe of white chocolate fondant and dried Korean persimmons with its omija syrup custard.


    For the softness :

    • 65 g of dried persimmon
    • 50 g white chocolate
    • ½ natural Greek yogurt
    • 50 g of cane sugar
    • 1 egg
    • 15 ml sunflower oil
    • 50 g almond powder
    • 50 g flour
    • 1 cc of baking powder


    For the custard :

    • 500 ml of milk
    • 5 egg yolks
    • 50 g of cane sugar
    • 2 CS of omija syrup

Cut the dried persimmons and white chocolate into small pieces.



Mix the Greek yoghurt, cane sugar, egg and oil. Add the almond powder and flour with baking powder, mixing well each time.


Pour the pieces of persimmon and chocolate, mix and spread the dough in muffin cups. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes depending on the size of the muffin cups.




Heat the milk in a saucepan.






Mix the egg yolks, cane sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer until the mixture becomes frothy.



Gradually pour the simmering milk over the egg yolks and sugar, continuing to mix.



Pour the mixture into the pan and cook, stirring with a whisk until 83°C. Remove from the heat and add the omija syrup. Put in the fridge until it is time to serve.



When serving, dress the marrow in cups with 4 CS of custard to accompany each one.