ATcenter Paris, European regional headquarters of Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food
Trade Corporation in Republic of Korea-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp.

About Us

Leading of the global Food trade market

ATcenter Paris, European regional headquarters of Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation
in Republic of Korea, works to develop markets in Europe. Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corp. is the government
agency that was founded in 1967 entrusted with the promotion of trade, exportation,
and marketing of Korean foods and beverages around the world.

Our Service

What we do

Our activities focus on three main areas: Marketing, Supporting, Consulting and research


Enhancing mutual communication and understanding on food
culture and food-related business between Korea and the EU,
through the means of:

– Publishing magazines on Korean food culture and agricultural businesses

– Advertising Korean food products, cultures, etc.

– Guiding Europeans through the experience of Korea and its food culture

Introducing and promoting Korean agricultural and
fish products, including fresh and/or processed food and
fish, through the means of:

– Aiding Korean producers and/or exportation companies in the partaking of food related
exhibitions and events in Europe

– Organizing food events to promote Korean food and its culture – in collaboration with
hotels, department stores, retail markets etc.


Creating and developing Korean food market by operating many
different professional events such as, BKF(Buy Korean Food Buyers and
exporters pre-matching meeting), international food show support, or
logistics and warehouse supporting

Consulting and research

Acting as a reliable gateway for those in search of partners in Korea
for food related businesses, through the means of:

– Providing professional consultations on trading and regulations

– Providing source for Korean food’s market insight based on the statistics, trade

– Maintaining a strong network in the Korean agricultural business sector, and some 10
other oversea offices around the world


Find the products and exporters

We invite you to visit our B2B matching website Here

Supporting Program

      AT Localization Support Program


Companies and Buyers intending to or import Korean food products 


March ~November

Target Country

EU members, UK, Switzerland, Norway (* Subject to change according to inquiries )

Program Category

EU members, UK, Switzerland, Norway (* Subject to change according to inquiries )

1. Package Design

New package design, local language application, packaging unit adjustment,
packaging material & container development, etc

2. Label Consultation 

New package design, local language application, packaging unit adjustment,
packaging material & container development, etc

3. Non-tariff barrier difficulty settlement

Labels abiding by Import/Distribution country regulations

4. Consultation and import relevant cost support

Coaching & Consulting, Import food registration, Food inspection, Credit rating check
for Korean exporters, etc


Insufficient submission of requested and supporting documents may cause
a withdrawal of the application

Relevant responsibilities caused by faulty document submission and false information are
solely laid upon the applying companies

  Food demonstration

  Overseas Logistics & Warehouse


Title2024 농식품 공동물류센터 이용지원사업 이용업체 및 물류센터 지정신청업체 모집 (~7.2)2024-06-26 12:13
Name Level 10
Attachment해외공동물류센터 이용업체 신청서(영문) - Application form for buyers.docx (22.4KB)해외공동물류센터 신규 지정 신청서(영문) - Application form for Logistics companies.docx (29.5KB)

aT파리지사에서는 한국 수출 농식품의 유럽 내 경쟁력확보과 안정적인 공급을 위해 해외공동물류센터 이용지원사업을 운영하고 있습니다. 

이에 관심있으신 업체 관계자분들께서는 많은 관심 바랍니다. 

1. 공동물류센터 신규지정업체 모집

- 대상 : 냉장·냉동보관 물류 인프라 제공이 가능하며 물량, 부피 등의 이용 단위 기준으로 정산이 가능한 물류 전문업체 

- 신청서 : 다운로드 국문/ 영문

2. 공동물류센터 이용업체 모집

- 대상 : 한국식품 수입업체 또는 한국 수출업체의 유럽 현지법인

- 신청서 : 다운로드 국문영문

- 지원금액 : (신규) 1천만원 ~ 최대 2천만원 (연속) 이용실적, 수입물량 등을 평가하여 점수에 따라 1천만원 ~ 6천만원

2. 마감일 : 2024.7.2일 (파리시간 기준 15시)

3. 문의 : aT파리지사 이재현 대리 jaehyun.lee@at.or.kr


Contact Us

89, rue du Gouvernéur Général Eboué, 92170,
Issy les Moulineaux, France



paris@at.or.kr, atcenterparis@gmail.com