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Centre de développement du marché de la K-Food en Europe

aT center Paris se concentre sur le développement des marchés de produits agroalimentaires en Europe.

Depuis sa création en décembre 2013, le centre aT Paris lance plus de 30 projets annuels visant à l’expansion des exportations agroalimentaires en Europe, couvrant les 27 pays de l’UE, le Royaume-Uni et Israël, notamment la France, l’Allemagne, les Pays-Bas, l’Espagne, l’Italie, la Pologne, la République tchèque, la Suède, etc.


TitlePublic notice_Korean Food Promotion Support Program / 판촉지원사업 공고(~13th Oct)2024-10-02 17:13
Name Level 10
Attachment[국문] 공고문 및 양식.zip (384.8KB)[ENG] Notice and Forms.zip (219.8KB)
안녕하십니까, aT 파리지사입니다.

2024년 연말연초 판촉 사업 공고를 아래와 같이 안내드립니다.
판촉사업이 관심이 있으신 분들께서는 오는 2024년 10월 13일까지(유럽표준시) joohee@at.or.kr로 신청서 제출 부탁드립니다.

o 모집대상 : 한국식품 수입업체, 바이어, 유통업체 등

o 판촉기간 : 2024년 12월 ~ 2025년 2월(해당 기간 판촉만 지원 가능)

o 지원항목 : 임차비, 장치비, 마케팅비, 샘플링 비용 등

o 지원금액 : 배정된 예산 한도 내 실 집행비용의 80%(단, 대기업군 제품으로만 구성시 50%)
* 3배의 이상의 목표 수입액 달성 필요

o 목표수입액 : 행사 전 60일 + 행사기간  / * 기존 판촉과 변경 되었으므로, 주의해주십시오
* 목표수입액으로 작성해주시는 금액은 평가에 반영되며, 해당 금액을 기준으로 최종 목표수입액이 설정됩니다.

관련하여 문의사항이 있으실 경우, 본 이메일로 문의주십시오.

We are pleased to announce the opening of the public notice for our Online or Offline promotional event support programme for "Year-end and New Year". 

If you are interested in engaging in promotional activities, we kindly request you to submit the application form to the following email address(joohee@at.or.kr) by October 13th(GMT+1)

Please find the details outlined below:
o Target audience : Korean food importers, buyers, and distributors
o Promotion Period: December 2024 ? February 2025 (applicable only within this period)
o Supporting Contents: Expenses related to promotional marketing for expanding overseas distribution channels (rent, installation, marketing, sampling expenses, etc.)
o Supporting amount : 80% of the actual execution amount within the limit of support (but 50% for the exclusive marketing for large-enterprise products)
* Set and submit a target income of at least 3 times buyers targeted import amount
o Obligatory import amount for promotional event items is determined based on the import performance for "60 days before and during the event period."
* Please note, obligatory import amount period is changed. "30 days before/after → 60 days before"
** The target amount suggested by your company will be reflected in the selection evaluation, and this target amount will be set as the mandatory amount.

For further information, please refer to the attached file.


Nous contacter

89, rue du Gouvernéur Général Eboué, 92170,
Issy les Moulineaux, France



paris@at.or.kr, atcenterparis@gmail.com